About Cimas
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Cimas Health Group | Who we are
Cimas Medical Aid Society, a registered Medical Aid Society in Zimbabwe governed by the Medical Services Act (Chapter 15:13) and the Medical Services Regulations SI 330 of 2000 as amended by SI 34 of 2004 under registration number (14/B139/10/2001), provides medical aid, health and wellness services to its members and to the general public through its various operating divisions and subsidiaries.
Cimas (formerly Commercial and Industrial Medical Aid Society) was founded in 1945 as a Medical Aid Society to provide medical aid to employees of companies operating in the private sector. The Group was structured then and is still operating as a mutual society with operations not for profit or for the gain of the individual Members.
Cimas has since evolved from solely administering receipt of contributions and payment of claims through the Medical Aid Society into a participant in selected sectors of the larger healthcare service sector in Zimbabwe.
Today Cimas is Zimbabwe’s leading health and wellness service provider providing medical aid, preventative health and lifestyle modification intervention, healthcare and medical services to over 230,000 contributing Members and, where required, paying non-members.
Its strong brand and add-on services, which include wellness programmes, in-house clinical and consultation services and a history of reliably settling claims, has positioned the Group as the preferred service provider to individuals, families and corporations.
The Group’s main operating subsidiaries include Cimas Healthcare Pharmacies (Private) Limited, Harare
Haemodialysis Centre trading as Cimas Dialysis and Healthguard International Limited (Mauritius). The Group structure includes Medco, which provides internal administration services to the Medical Aid Society and Shared Services, which provides administration, finance, legal, human resources, internal audit, information technology, marketing and investments services to the operating subsidiaries.
Our Group Structure