Cimas Distribution Center
Cimas Distribution | Your Trusted Partner in Wholesale Medical Distribution
Cimas distribution Centre was eastablished in 2021 with the aim of is to ensuring the steady provision of medical supplies, equipment, and pharmaceuticals to healthcare facilities, practitioners, and organisations. This includes hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, long-term care facilities, and more. Cimas distribution centre is staffed by expirenced staff with expetise in regulatory affairs, supply chain management and logistics. The Cimas distribution Centre is capable of distribution around the whole territory of Zimbabwe. ( profile to be supported by immages of the distribution centre warehouse and equipment like forklift and delivery vehicles)
Operating Hours
Mondays – Friday 800am to 430pm
Sales 1 0780879640
Sales 2 0780718979
Sales 3 0783779708
Sales 4 0780991786
Sales 5 08677 008 306 EXT 2301 / 2255
61-63 Plymouth Rd, Southerton, Harare